What To Do If You Chip Your Tooth? All You Need To Know

what to do if you chip your tooth bundoora
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If you are wondering what to do if you chip your tooth, it is critical to seek professional dental care as soon as possible. While a chipped tooth may not seem like a dental emergency, leaving a chip untreated can lead to more invasive and expensive dental issues, including tooth decay and pulp infection.

Most treatments to restore a chipped tooth are simple and non-invasive, like bonding or contouring. However, if the chip is large or affects the tooth’s nerve, you may need a more complex procedure, such as a root canal or crown.


When is a Chipped Tooth a Dental Emergency?

A chipped tooth is not always a dental emergency. If the chip does not affect your ability to eat or drink, you can usually wait to see your dentist during regular business hours. However, if the chip is large or causes pain, bleeding, or persistent swelling, you should see an emergency dentist immediately.

Losing a large piece of tooth structure requires immediate dental care. These chips can cause intense pain and bleeding, leaving your tooth vulnerable to infection. The sooner you see a dentist, the more likely they will be able to save your tooth. If you are ever unsure whether a chipped tooth is a dental emergency, it is always best to err on the side of caution and seek professional help.

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What to Do if You Chip Your Tooth: Chipped Tooth First Aid

Chipping a tooth can be a painful experience. However, it is vital to remain calm and take the following steps to ensure that your tooth does not become further damaged or infected:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water to remove any debris that could cause an infection.
  • Apply pressure to the area to stop any bleeding.
  • Apply an ice pack to the affected area to alleviate swelling.

What to Do if You Chip Your Tooth: Protect Your Mouth

Dental wax and sugar-free gum can help to protect your mouth from lacerations and irritation. If you have a chipped tooth, apply a small amount of dental wax to the jagged edges. This cushions the tooth and prevents it from poking and scraping the inside of your cheek or tongue.

If you are wearing braces, use sugar-free gum to cover any sharp wire ends that may be poking out. This helps keep your mouth comfortable and prevents any cuts or scrapes.


What to Do if You Chip Your Tooth: Visit a Dentist

It’s always best to have a chipped tooth examined by a professional as soon as possible. If the chip is large or if it covers a significant portion of the tooth, it could be very painful and may require immediate treatment.

Even if the chip is small, it can become vulnerable to decay or infection if left untreated. The nerve endings in the tooth can also become exposed, leading to sensitivity and pain.


Dental Treatments for a Chipped Tooth

Several dental treatments can be used to fix a chipped tooth. The best course of treatment depends on the chip’s size and location and the tooth’s overall health.


  • Dental Bonding or Fillings

Dental bonding and fillings are two common dental treatments used to repair minor damage to the teeth. Bonding involves using a tooth-coloured resin to restore chipped teeth. Fillings are used to treat cavities and slightly deeper chips.

To restore the tooth, the chip is contoured and then etched with a chemical agent to roughen the surface. This allows the composite to bond more easily. The composite resin is applied in layers, and each layer is hardened with a curing light. Once the tooth is built up, your dentist shapes and polishes it to blend in with your smile.


  • Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are wafer-thin shells bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They’re usually made from porcelain or ceramic and are used to correct minor chips that do not affect the tooth’s inner layers.

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The veneer procedure is usually done in two appointments.

During the first appointment, your dentist removes a 0.5 mm layer of enamel to ensure the veneer fits properly and looks natural.

They then take dental impressions to create a mould that is sent to an off-site lab where your permanent veneer is fabricated. You will be given a temporary veneer to wear until your next appointment.

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The second appointment involves placing the permanent veneers on your teeth with a special cement. A laser is then used to harden the cement and bond the veneer to your tooth.


  • Dental Crown

Dental crowns are used when a tooth is damaged or decayed to the point where it can no longer be repaired with a filling. Crowns can also be used to protect a tooth that is at risk of breaking, such as after a root canal procedure.

The placement of a crown usually involves two dental visits. During the first visit, the tooth is prepared for the crown, and a temporary crown is placed. On your second visit, the permanent crown is cemented into place.

Dental crowns are made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and metal. The type of crown that is best for you will depend on the tooth’s location and personal preferences.


Visit an Emergency Dentist at Radiant Smiles Dental Group

At Radiant Smiles Dental Group, we understand that a dental emergency can happen anytime. That’s why we offer a wide range of emergency dental services to meet your needs. Whether you’re experiencing a toothache, chipped tooth, or another problem, our experienced dentists will work quickly to provide the treatment you need.

We also offer various payment options to ensure that you get the care you need when you need it. If you require an emergency dentist, contact us on (03) 9000 0537 today.





Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. 





What is a dental filling?

What is a veneer?
