Teeth Whitening

“Radiant Smiles” at Bundoora offers teeth whitening services to brighten your smile, making it appear several shades lighter. This cosmetic procedure can enhance your smile makeover plan, taking years off the look of your teeth. With our professional care, your radiant smile is within reach.

Teeth Whitening Types

At Radiant Smiles, your Bundoora dentist offers two options for teeth whitening: in-chair sessions and home kits.

In-Chair Whitening, we start by gently polishing your teeth and applying a protective gel to your gums to minimize sensitivity. Using the highest concentration of bleaching agents, we achieve the best results. A special light is then applied to your teeth for about eight minutes before the gel is removed. This process is repeated 2-3 times based on your comfort level and the desired outcome.

Home Kit Whitening, we create custom trays molded to your teeth. Simply fill these trays with the concentrated bleach solution and wear them overnight. For optimal results, whiten daily for up to two weeks. Afterward, maintain your bright smile by wearing the trays 1-3 times per week or as needed for special occasions.

Many of our in-chair whitening patients also opt for home kits, which allow them to continue bleaching at their convenience and touch up their smile as desired. At Radiant Smiles, we provide options for achieving and maintaining your radiant smile.

girl with the teeth whitening tool

Regarding Tooth Sensitivity

It’s essential to understand that individuals with sensitive teeth might experience increased sensitivity during a teeth whitening procedure. If you feel too much sensitivity, we may reduce the number of gel applications. Using special toothpaste designed to reduce sensitivity before and after your treatment can greatly enhance your overall comfort during the process.

Our professional teeth whitening services are suitable for individuals aged 18 and above with healthy teeth and gums. However, it’s not advisable for pregnant women, children under 18, or those with active decay or gum issues. If you smoke heavily or consume large amounts of coffee or tea, achieving desired results may be challenging.

To ensure eligibility, we recommend undergoing whitening within 1-2 months of a recent dental examination. If you have any dental restorations in the visible areas of your smile, they may need adjustments to match your teeth’s new shade after whitening.

To safeguard your investment, we suggest scheduling a scale and cleaning every six months to remove any excessive stains between your regular checkups. Make it a habit to brush twice and floss once daily. During the first 24-48 hours following whitening, avoid consuming foods or beverages that could potentially stain your teeth, as they are more susceptible to re-staining during this time.

At our clinic, we utilize ZOOM! Whitening gel products for both in-chair treatments and take-home kits. These products contain the highest concentration of ingredients available, ensuring optimal results. Unlike products available online, our professional-grade gel can only be administered by licensed dentists. While some may claim to be professional-grade, they don’t match the potency of what we offer at our dental practice.

Transform Your Smile To A Radiant Smile Now!

Reach out to our clinic today for information on instant and home teeth brightening solutions.

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