Children’s Dentistry

Early access to preventive children’s dentistry reduces the chances of children developing cavities, dental emergencies, and fear of the dentist.

Our main aim is to make children feel at ease and to educate parents about their child’s oral health needs. By starting preventive visits early, we build trust with children and establish a positive relationship with them. As they grow and get used to dental checkups, cleanings, and other procedures, they’ll remember their visits fondly instead of associating them with discomfort.

Your Child's Initial Dental Visit

It’s highly advisable to bring your baby for their first dental checkup as soon as their first tooth appears, and then every six months thereafter. Since many dental issues start during childhood, preventive care is crucial for maintaining a healthy smile. During these short appointments, we’ll tailor treatments to suit your child’s age and comfort level.

Some children eagerly participate in having their teeth examined and cleaned, while others may prefer to play with the dental mirror as we briefly look into their mouths. By discussing concerns with parents, we can identify potential risks and recommend hygiene practices to promote their child’s oral health.

As your child leaves, we’ll provide them with a small goody bag. Both you and your child will leave with the knowledge and advice needed to ensure healthy teeth for years to come.

A kid in the dental clinic

During your child’s dental checkup, we’ll assess how their teeth come together when they bite and the spaces between them. We’ll also talk about any habits like thumb or finger sucking, as they can affect how your child’s teeth grow in the future. Sometimes, we may take X-rays to help us evaluate their teeth and look for any issues like missing teeth or cavities. If your child needs extensive treatment or has special medical concerns that require general anaesthesia, we can refer you to a specialist for the care your family needs.

Encourage your child to brush their teeth if they enjoy it. However, until they can tie their shoes, it’s important to brush their teeth yourself at least twice a day. Use a circular motion to brush their teeth for two minutes each time, focusing on the gumlines and chewing surfaces. Don’t forget to floss between teeth that touch each other. As your child becomes more skilled, they can start brushing and flossing on their own, but make sure to check their progress regularly.

To help prevent tooth decay, we highly recommend applying fluoride after each dental cleaning. Fluoride strengthens the enamel, making it more resistant to decay-causing bacteria.

Additionally, sealing the grooves on permanent molars can reduce the risk of cavities in children. These sealants are quick to apply, taking just a few minutes, and no numbing is required. They are most effective when applied to the first and second set of permanent molars, which typically emerge around ages 6 and 12, respectively.

Open to All Ages

We welcome patients of all ages, including infants and teenagers, to experience our personalized children’s dentistry services. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment.

Considering any surgery or invasive procedure? It’s wise to consult another licensed medical expert before making a decision. Your safety matters.