
While our goal is to keep your teeth healthy for as long as possible, there are times when extractions are necessary due to pain, emergencies, or irreparable damage. Removing a tooth helps to address infections and ensure your comfort while maintaining the health of neighbouring teeth.

At times, teeth may need to be extracted to make room for orthodontic treatment. Additionally, if a baby tooth overstays its welcome, it can affect the growth of the adult tooth underneath.

Every dental extraction is carefully planned, considering the advantages and disadvantages, and always prioritizing the long-term well-being of our patients.

Urgent Tooth Removals

An emergency dental extraction might be necessary if:

In cases of significant fracture, a tooth may be too damaged for crown repair. Extracting it can alleviate pain and prevent infections. We can then discuss options for replacing the missing tooth, such as a dental implant or bridge.

We strive to accommodate emergency cases on the same day. Alleviating your discomfort is our main priority.”

After Tooth Removal

When a tooth is extracted, it can create extra space in your bite. Often, nearby teeth may start to shift or lean after a tooth is removed. By filling that space with a fixed bridge or implant, we can maintain the natural alignment of your smile.

Wisdom teeth often cause discomfort, pressure, and infections, especially when they push against neighbouring teeth or only partially emerge. Their position makes them hard to clean, raising the risk of decay or gum disease.

Removing problematic wisdom teeth early can prevent common issues. Most people’s wisdom teeth emerge between their mid-teens and late twenties. If you’re experiencing pain or signs of decay, please inform us.

While we handle most wisdom tooth removals, some cases may be complex, such as when a tooth is entangled with a major nerve. In such instances, we’ll refer you to a specialist who can safely remove the tooth under general anaesthesia.

If your tooth has minor to moderate damage, we can usually repair it without resorting to extraction. We aim to preserve your tooth whenever possible, often through treatments like crowns. However, if the tooth’s structure is too compromised to support a crown or similar restoration, extraction may be the best option.

Your comfort matters greatly during any procedure we perform, including dental extractions. Throughout the process, we ensure the affected tooth and its surrounding area are thoroughly numbed. Some individuals find it helpful to bring headphones and listen to music to distract themselves.

If your extraction is scheduled for a Thursday or Friday, you can usually resume normal activities by the following Monday. It’s advisable to take the weekend to rest and recuperate before engaging in any strenuous activities.

For more complex cases requiring general anaesthesia, we may refer you to a specialist. We’ll guide you through all available options to help you make an informed decision about your treatment.

Experiencing Discomfort? Reach Out Now

For urgent dental needs and wisdom tooth removals, we’re here to help. Get in touch today for swift relief.

Considering any surgery or invasive procedure? It’s wise to consult another licensed medical expert before making a decision. Your safety matters.

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