Treatment to Repair a Damaged Tooth — Options to Treat Tooth Damage

treatment to repair a damaged tooth bundoora

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Your teeth are made from the hardest substances in the body. But poor oral hygiene, age, and lifestyle habits like smoking can cause decay, weakening your tooth structure, leaving it vulnerable to damage. 

When you damage a tooth, the treatment you receive will depend on the extent of the damage. If there is just a small chip or crack in the enamel, your dentist may be able to repair it using a filling or bonding material. The dentist might use root canal treatment to repair your damaged tooth if the problem is more severe.  

Explore the treatment options available for a damaged tooth at Radiant Smile Dental Group, including dental emergency treatments, dental crowns, tooth bonding, and root canal therapy, to restore your smile’s appearance and function. 


Types of Tooth Damage

The type and severity of the damaged tooth are determined by the depth and location of the crack, chip, or fracture. Some common types of tooth damage include: 



  • Broken tooth 

A break typically goes through the enamel and dentin to the pulp, the living tissue inside the tooth. However, a tooth is also considered broken if the cusp is damaged without exposing the pulp.

Breaks can occur when the tooth has deep decay or multiple large restorations that have weakened the tooth structure. They can also occur due to facial trauma from an auto or sporting accident.

  • Chipped tooth

Chips can occur due to an injury, teeth grinding or bruxism, or biting on hard objects. Chips are usually small and typically only affect the tooth enamel. Most chips do not require immediate treatment; however, damage to the enamel can leave your tooth vulnerable to decay, increase tooth sensitivity, and adversely impact your appearance. 

Treatment for a chipped tooth depends on the size and location of the chip. Often, a dental filling or bonding can repair a small chip. You may need a dental crown or a veneer for a large chip.

  • Cracked tooth

A cracked tooth is a tooth that has been fractured into two or more pieces. Cracks can occur due to dental trauma, teeth grinding, or biting on hard objects. Symptoms of a cracked tooth include pain, sensitivity, and chewing difficulties. 

Cracked teeth can be a dental emergency. A vertical root fracture that starts at the tooth root and extends to the chewing surface can be extremely painful and needs immediate treatment from an emergency dentist to save the tooth. 


Treatment to Repair a Damaged Tooth: Dental Bonding

Bonding is often used to repair superficial chips, and it can be an effective way to improve the appearance of a damaged tooth.

Bonding is a procedure in which the dentist applies a tooth-coloured composite resin to the damaged tooth and then hardens it with a curing light. The resin adheres to the tooth, and then the dentist polishes it, restoring the tooth’s original shape and appearance. 


Treatment to Repair a Damaged Tooth: Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are custom-made caps designed to fit over damaged teeth. The dental crown procedure involves removing damaged or decayed tissue from the tooth and then shaping the remaining tooth structure to prepare it for the dental crown

Your dentist then takes impressions of your tooth to create a mould to fabricate the dental crown in an off-site lab. Once the dental crown is ready, you’ll return to the practice for placement. 

Dental crowns help restore the function and appearance of the damaged tooth. In many cases, dental crowns can be used to save a damaged tooth that would otherwise need to be extracted. Dental crowns are also often used as part of a dental bridge, which is used to replace one or more missing teeth.


Treatment to Repair a Damaged Tooth: Root Canal

This dental procedure treats damage to the tooth’s pulp, the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves. The pulp can become damaged due to repeated dental procedures, a deep cavity, or a cracked tooth. 

When the pulp is damaged, it can become infected, causing pain and swelling. A root canal removes the damaged pulp and disinfects the inside of the tooth. 

During a root canal treatment, your dentist drills a small hole in the tooth’s crown to access the pulp. Your dentist uses endodontic files to remove the damaged pulp and inject an antibiotic into the pulp chamber.

Your dentist then seals the tooth with gutta-percha and a dental filling. In some cases, a dental crown may also be needed to protect the tooth from further damage.


Treatment to Repair a Damaged Tooth: Dental Implants

Dental implants are an effective way to replace teeth that have been damaged beyond repair. 

A dental implant is a titanium screw-shaped post-surgically embedded into the jaw to act as a new tooth root. The implant fuses with the jawbone, and a dental crown is placed on top. 

damage tooth types repair bundooraThe procedure is typically carried out in three stages:

  • The implant is surgically placed in the jawbone.
  • An abutment (connector) is placed in the post to attach the dental crown. Your dentist will also take an impression at this point to fabricate the dental crown
  • The dental crown is cemented on top of the implant. 

One of the benefits of dental implants is that they provide a strong and secure foundation for dental crowns. Dental implants are not vulnerable to decay or infection, unlike dental bridges, which rely on adjacent teeth for support. Dental implants also preserve bone mass in the jaw, which can sometimes be lost following tooth loss. 


Repair a Damaged Tooth at Radiant Smiles Dental Group

If you have damaged your tooth, the best thing to do is to see your dentist as soon as possible. They can assess the damage and recommend the best treatment course, whether dental crowns or cosmetic bonding. You can do a few things in the meantime to help ease any pain or discomfort. 

  • Take pain medication such as ibuprofen 
  • Use a cold compress to help reduce swelling 
  • Avoid chewing on the damaged tooth and try not to eat hard or crunchy food 
  • Use dental wax or sugar-free gum to help protect the soft tissue inside your mouth from irritation or cuts

We understand the importance of a healthy and beautiful smile at Radiant Smiles Dental Group. As a full-service dentist, we offer a wide range of dental services, including dental crowns and root canal therapy to repair a damaged tooth

Visit our dental clinic in Bundoora today.


Contact us on (03) 9000 0537 to request an appointment for a dental exam or to speak with a staff member about your dental health. Our compassionate and skilled dental team can repair and rejuvenate your smile, so you can talk and laugh with confidence once more.  




Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.






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